
Balls of.... "Naphthalene"?

Someone said "Weekend's don't count unless you spent it doing something completely pointless". Here it was, again, smiling at us as usual, starting with a lazy morning, "The Saturday". I had no pointless stuff to do, seriously, I didn't, and the idea of a movie was not bad either *unless you have rich friends to take you to parties at five star hotels*. Movie selection was a big , real big question, but it was definitely not going to be "Kambakht Ishq". It has been over a year or so that I have not watched a hindi movie in a theatre. Well, the plausible reasons for the same can be explained in another post, for now lets say that "I wanted to watch a movie at Inox" because I am lazy, and Inox is the nearest theatre, & "Its definitely not a hindi movie" which sums up the conclusion that the movie must be of some other "alien" ethnicity or language. The junta opted for English without much of further discussion, and we really didn't have much options.

On the list were two movies, English of course. One, the legendary "Terminator" sequel "Terminator-Salvation" and the other was "The Hangover". We had bad jolts the other night watching "Crank 2 High Voltage" and was in no mood of watching Iron robos fighting poor little human beings here on earth,..."Oh God! save us from those stupid tin cans, if it ever happens, for no man has balls or bearings of steel"!!. So the search narrowed down to the final result "The Hangover".

Just as we were placed at our respective seats, two ladies slipped in the two seats besides me. As soon as they took their places, there started the live commentary of all the movies they have watched in their life time. Not just that, even there were loud and clear questions of why do they show warnings to retain the ticket stub? and what's the necessity of showing a theatre map just before the movie? and adding to it was the smell. The smell rang a bell, but I couldn't recall, of what? I was trying hard to concentrate on the movie, but it distracted me everytime, irritating, giving out nauseous vibes, and suddenly my friend blurted "Naphthalene!!". Good god, it was naphthalene, that smell was of Naphthalene's (well Naphthalene 80% and 20% some other weird aroma). My friend claimed that he recognised that soon enough, but couldn't resisted blurting, the Naphtha vibe had accumulated too much inside him and mine too!!

Soon it was apparent that our neighbors wore clean starched dresses which they might have dug out this morning, from the depths of their closets long after centuries, preserved with the mighty BALLS OF NAPHTHALENE.... At once it seemed that those womanly attires, of them, were long worshiped for this day of eternity the "Nauseous weekend".... I had to imagine coffee beans the whole time till the movie ended, it helped me, somewhat, to overcome the 'Naphtha Effect'.

1. The movie "The Hangover" is a must watch, one movie worth spending time for. "Crank-2" and "Terminator Salvation" is watchable in case one wants some extra blows of action in life, not definitely for the weak hearted. :)
2. The figure above is the chemical representation of Naphtha, in Organic chemistry terms.


Subhayan Mukerjee said...

he he ... good one!!! thanks for following and blogrolling me ... u've a great blog too! am folowing :D

Anonymous said...

whoa!balls of napthalene kinda sounds gross... :P

Anjan said...

@Wrahool: thnks for following :D
@Sohini: Yeah that was real gross... i can still feel the vibe of it =/

Vipul Grover said...

I cud well imagine how u mst hav survivd those hour nd a half or so.. while reading this post i actually startd feeling that eerie smell of naptha balls nd thnx 2 u um feelin nauseatic now! I hate u ;D

Anjan said...

@vipul: haha... LOL :P

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